The whole set of 127 ASCII characters. Table shows decimal(DEC), hexadecimal(HEX), octal(OCT) and binary(BIN) indexes, but also HTML entities (in 3 different formats), ANSI-C entities and ASCII descriptors.
Some facts
- ASCII set in range 32 - 126 (0x20 - 0x7E) equals to UNICODE (0x20 → U+0020, 0x21 → U+0021, etc.)
- "new line" is platform dependent:
- unix (linux) - ASCII 10 (hex: 0A) (programming: \n)
- windows - ASCII 13 10 (hex: 0D 0A) (programming: \r\n)
- mac - ASCII 13 (hex: 0D) (programming: \r)
- HTML entity ' is:
- valid in HTML 5
- invalid in HTML 4 - and " should be used instead
- some webmasters use just '
- was introduced by Ms Internet Explorer and for some time was recognized by IE only
Links to external sites (leaving Calculla?)
Tags and links to this site