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All calculators should still work, but you can't be sure.
We also don't update them anymore, so expect outdated info.
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Data storageData storage
Data units converter. Converts bits, bytes, megabytes, gigabytes itd. All known units of data in two different bases: 1000 and 1024. This calculator handles some less known data units: nibbles, octets, pixels (24/48-bit), words, quads, long-words etc.
How to convert?
- Enter the number to field "value" - enter the NUMBER only, no other words, symbols or unit names. You can use dot (.) or comma (,) to enter fractions.
Examples: - Find and select your starting unit in field "unit". Some unit calculators have huge number of different units to select from - it's just how complicated our world is...
- And... you got the result in the table below. You'll find several results for many different units - we show you all results we know at once. Just find the one you're looking for.
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